Piast Institute and its Board of Directors President, Dr. Dominik Stecula, have been quoted in the media a lot recently, thanks to the groundbreaking "Polish Americans Today" publication and national survey. This one-of-a-kind research provides valuable insights into the attitudes and trends of Polish Americans. You can read a bit more about the elections and Polish Americans here: https://medium.com/@decustecu/ This work would not be possible without the support of the community—people like you who make a difference. You can help continue this vital research and advocacy by supporting the Piast Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to Polish American affairs. Your tax-deductible donation makes all the difference. Please consider donating today at the link below: https://www.piastinstitute.org/donate.html https://histmag.org/Polacy-wybieraja-prezydenta-USA-Jak-glosowala-amerykanska-Polonia-w-poprzednich-wyborach-27519
![]() Nominations are DUE by November 1, 2024 for Piast Institute's project, Top 25 Polish American Leaders in 2025. This platform created for Polonia to nominate Polish Americans has been open to all living residents of Michigan. Please see the page for more detail. Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago organizuje dyżur konsularny w dniach 8 – 9 listopada br. (piątek - sobota) w Hamtramck, Piast Institute. Na dyżur obowiązują wcześniejsze zapisy telefoniczne które będą prowadzone w dniach: 29, 30 października 2024 roku, lub do wyczerpania miejsc. W celu dokonania zapisu na dyżur, prosimy dzwonić do Polish Consulate in Chicago w wyżej wymienione dni pod numer telefon: 312 337 8166, wew. 1 w godz. 10.00-13.00 (czasu chicagowskiego). Można znaleźć dodatkowe informacje pod stroną: The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago is organizing a consular duty on Friday November 8th and Saturday, November 9th this year in Hamtramck, MI at Piast Institute .
Prior telephone registrations are required for the duty, which will be held on: Tuesday October 29th and Wednesday October 30th until slots are filled. To register please call the Polish Consulate in Chicago on the above-mentioned days at the following telephone number: (312) 337-8166, ext. 1 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (Chicago time). You can find additional information on the website: There's no time to lose as nominations for the Top 25 Polish American Leaders are due November 1, 2024.
Find out more information on contest rules on the page, Top 25 in 2025, under Programs. Nominations can be filled out online using a quick Google form or can be downloaded as a PDF and sent in to: Piast Institute, Attn: Top 25 11633 Joseph Campau Hamtramck, MI 48212 Quality Improvement Committee Meetings are scheduled at Piast Institute (11633 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck) at 2:00p.m. EST.
They will be on the following dates: Wed. October 9, 2024 Wed. January 8, 2025 Wed. April 9, 2025 Wed. August 13, 2025 One of our Piast Institute Board of Directors, Mr. Konrad Salaber, along with others founded Heritage Polonia, a philanthropic organization sponsoring student trips to Poland, giving participants the opportunity to explore the country, its culture, and its rich heritage. The Heritage Polonia Program is offering a unique opportunity for young Americans of Polish descent, or those interested in Poland, to connect with their roots through a FREE 10-day immersive trip to Poland. Participants will have the chance to explore Polish history, language, traditions, and contemporary issues, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Polish heritage. Eligible candidates include young adult students, aged 18-26, with a Polish background or a deep interest in Poland. Heritage Polonia arranges roundtrip airfare, hotels, meals, travel, and events. You just pack your bags and prepare for an unforgettable adventure to these Polish cities: Submit your online application, including all attachments, through Heritage Polonia website by May 20th, 2024. All participants accepted to the program will be notified by May 31, 2024.
The Piast Institute has conducted the STAMP4S test with Avant Assessment so that young students could test their Polish language reading, writing, comprehension skills. Students with passing grades receive the Seal of Biliteracy certification in the Polish language.
The state Seal of Biliteracy can be received ONLY by students in the 11th and 12th grades. The global Seal of Biliteracy can be received by ANYONE 6th grade and up. Testing took place in December and January and there are 26 students that are receiving the Global Seal of Biliteracy and 15 are receiving the State of Michigan Seal of Biliteracy. Congratulations! PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EVENT SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 18 HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. A NEW DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON! The Piast Institute, a nonprofit organization, will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for a Free Little Library unveiling at the Hamtramck Housing Commission on Thursday January 18, 2024 at 3:30pm. “We are so excited to receive the new Little Library!”, said Kawanna Brown, Project Manager at the Hamtramck Housing Commission. There will be free literacy activities and free books for kids all available with donations made in memory of Francine Foote from the Foote family.
Francine Foote joined the Piast Institute as a volunteer in 2014 and was promoted to senior researcher in 2016 and worked until she passed away on June 29, 2023. Her ties to the Piast Institute were inextricably linked on personal and professional levels. According to Malgorzata Tulecki, Executive Director at Piast Institute, “Fran was an essential member of our team.” She continued to say that her desire to volunteer stemmed from extra time she had and in wanting to get to know her brother, the late Dr. Thaddeus C. Radzilowski, co-founder with Virginia Skrzyniarz of the Piast Institute. “Francine worked for over 30 years in Education and was previously employed for the departments of Ferndale Adult and Community Education. Her ties to Hamtramck combined with the love of books and children made this Little Library project so meaningful”, said Virginia Skrzyniarz. The Piast Institute started as a brainstorm in 2003 and has grown to become a nationally recognized nonprofit research center that focuses on Polish and Polish American Affairs. In addition, the Piast Institute has grown its work to include community outreach and has become a strong voice in promoting prevention of substance abuse for the youth of the community. For more information, visit www.piastinstitute.org or call (313) 733-4535 ![]() The opłatek shared at the Wigilia table and sent to family and friends across the world is one of the most treasured gift of Christmas for Poles everywhere. It is a gift of love and a reminder of the bonds of family and community and of the blood and culture that tie us together as Poles and as God's children. The opłatek carries the promise that the friendship and love we share will continue to unite us. The ancient wish, “May we meet at this table again next year”, is offered as we break the opłatek, embodies the obligation we pledge to each other at this sacred time. We at Piast will, as we have in the past, continue to tell the Polish story, ancient and modern, and defend and promote the brilliant culture out of which it is born. We have done much with what you have given us, but there is so much more yet to be done. Your past gift has supported our lectures and publications which have helped awaken many to the richness of Polish culture and to the incredible contributions Poles everywhere have made to the world. Without your support, Piast Institute would not be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Your generous gift at this time will ensure that the Wigilia and the Opłatek, together with the entire rich legacy of Poland, does not perish from the hearts of future generations. Bóg Zapłać Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |