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- Polish Americans Today Second Edition
Polish Americans Today Second Edition
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ISBN: 97817377472612
6.5 x 9.5 softcover book
80 pages
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The newest 2020 survey by Piast Institute, under the direction of Virginia Skrzyniarz, CEO and Co-Founder, and Dr. Dominik Stecuła, Colorado State University, will offer updates, relevant information and answers about Polonia attitudes and trends to us and countless researchers, scholars, community organizations, and others interested in Polish Americans. This 80 page book highlights key insights on Polonia beyond basic demographics. Polish Americans Today clearly describes the shared values and experiences of Polonia. “There isn’t much reliable data available on the Polish American community beyond the Census data, which focuses on demographics,” said Dr. Stecula, the author of the book. “Our national survey of nearly 1800 Polish Americans is therefore the best source of information about our community: who we are, what we believe, how connected we are to Poland…all of these questions are answered in the book.”
Piast Institute has a rich history of conducting surveys of Polonia. The 2020 survey is the fourth large survey of Polonia that the Institute has conducted since being founded in 2003. The new book is an update to the Polish Americans Today that was initially published in 2010, based on an extensive, national survey of Polonia that highlighted the basic demographic, social, economic and political profile of the Polish American community. Co-authored by the co-founder of the Piast Institute, Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski, and Dominik Stecula, the author of the updated edition, it was the first large-scale survey of the community in decades. The original book went through several printings and has been popular in both the United States and Poland. It has been a subject of a variety of forums and conferences throughout the United States, and has been acquired by several Polish universities, public opinion firms, and public officials. The digital version of the 2010 edition is available to download for free on the Piast Institute website. (https://www.piastinstitute.org/uploads/6/9/8/8/69881853/polish_americans_today_ebook.pdf)