Piast Institute and its Board of Directors President, Dr. Dominik Stecula, have been quoted in the media a lot recently, thanks to the groundbreaking "Polish Americans Today" publication and national survey. This one-of-a-kind research provides valuable insights into the attitudes and trends of Polish Americans. You can read a bit more about the elections and Polish Americans here: https://medium.com/@decustecu/ This work would not be possible without the support of the community—people like you who make a difference. You can help continue this vital research and advocacy by supporting the Piast Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to Polish American affairs. Your tax-deductible donation makes all the difference. Please consider donating today at the link below: https://www.piastinstitute.org/donate.html https://histmag.org/Polacy-wybieraja-prezydenta-USA-Jak-glosowala-amerykanska-Polonia-w-poprzednich-wyborach-27519
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